Had a rough last few days. Seems that happens at times when you engage and participate in this world. Most of my rough visions involved my officiating youth football.
Dumb coaches that don’t know the rules. How many times do I have to tell them that the rules for high school football are not the same as college and the NFL. They may play their youth games on Sunday but they play under different rules.
Did not hear a single positive coaching voice from the sidelines. If we screamed at our own 4th and 5th grade children like some of these coaches, they would take them away from us. What happened to coaching? The definition of coaching to me is watching the game played and observing the young athletes and offering how they can improve their play. Not to degrade and humiliate them in front of their peers.
What happens next when that doesn’t take place -- happened Sunday. The kids started blaming each other and their bullying continued. I even tried to explain to one 6th grader how you couldn’t talk like that to his "own" players and his opponents. He mocked me by repeating in “that” sarcastic voice exactly what I said. I promptly hit him (and his team) with an 15-yard unsportsmanlike conduct penalty. I then took the time and explained what he did to his coaches. He remained in the game without any attitude adjustment efforts by his coaches. I wouldn’t have played a snap after that if I had lipped off to an official. The coaches held you accountable for your actions in my youth. You don’t hurt your team and get away unscathed.
One young man broke his ankle. I knew he was hurt by the string of profanity being screamed. I didn’t know that a 7th grader could string that many profane words together so easily. He had obviously done it before because he was good at it.
The EMS that came for him seamed to saunter in slow motion to help him. They really sauntered. This kid was in pain and he needed to get to a hospital and get treated. Quickly. You don’t call emergency personnel to a injury scene to get you to some help…slowly.
Same game. Another ambulance. This time a concussion and a prone player on the sidelines. And I had to keep telling the coaches that they couldn’t coach the kids while they were getting this kid to the hospital. They actually could think of something to say to their team that was more important than that young man laid-out on the sidelines.
I grow more and more disenchanted with grown-ups that haven’t grown-up. I understand more and more why my wise wife likes to be quietly left alone.
I have this poem I found many years ago,I wil share it with you and your readers;It can apply to coaches and spectators.
Please dont curse the boy down there;He's my son,you see
And means a lot to me.
I did not raise my boy,sports fan,
For you to call him names.
He may not be a superstar
But it's just a high school game.
Please don't curse the boys down there;
They do the best they can,They're boys....and your'a man.
The game belongs to them,you see,And you are just a guest;
They do not need a fan(coach) like you
They need the very best.If you have nothing kind to say,Please leave the boys alone.
And,if you can't enjoy the game Why dont'you stay at home?
So please dont curse the boys down there
Each ones'his parents'son,
And win or lose or tie you see to us they're NUMBER ONE!!
I find it funny that most of the fathers/coaches that stand on the sidelines, with their pot-bellies hanging out as they devour chips and soda claim they were once "great high school athletes". As I look at my old school, I don't remember it that way. Actually, they were either benchers or didn't play at all. However, they have mastered the art of yelling at their kids and coaches. Makes everyone miserable. Too bad they didnt live their life when it was their life to live, instead of through their kids...and making a mess of it at the same time. Nothing worse than the mother and father of the starting quarterback. I try to sit at the other end of the stadium.
And I thought it was only hockey.
HAHA> No, the shame of it is that I see a lot of these same attitudes as a hockey ref. The coaches don't know the rules, the kids have no respect and the parents are all sure their kid will play in the NHL. Although I do not hesitate to kick them out, which is quite easy since they can't seem to shut up, it still bothers me to see this type behaviour. Call me a jerk, which they have and worse, but the creed I follow is: 5 skaters, 4 lines, 3 periods, 2 teams, 1 game and zero tolerance.
Don't let them wear you down Mitch!
I wake up every morning with a new delusion that it will be different. SURPRISE! It is the same s*#@, different day. But, I still stay optimistic. I don't wear stripes to make new friends and get more Christmas cards.
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