Wednesday, January 8, 2014

May the Sun, Moon, Rain, Breeze...

“May the sun bring you new energy by day,
May the moon softly restore you by night,
May the rain wash away your worries,
May the breeze blow new strength into your being,
May you walk gently through the world and know its beauty all the days of your life.” -- Apache blessing

The above blessing was shared with me as a gift. It is printed on a magnet that my wife gave me as a present for Christmas. This small token of love is special to me in that it importantly speaks to levels of my relationship with life, spirit, and personal connectiveness. Specifically, connectiveness is that sense of belonging, a component of relatedness, a new and powerful word in a modern life.

And these are not easy bonds to hold on to.

Struggling to make sense of things seems to turn my thoughts inward and that can be a shadowy place at times. So to be reminded that the sun is there and to try to obtain new energy from it is a great stimulant to shed those shadows. To know that there is still light, even in the darkest night or mood, if only from the faint glow of a lunar globe, there also, seems hope. Rain can cleanse the earth and can wash what is covered with dust, grime and other hiders of what lies beneath them. A breeze can massage the skin with the fact that an invisible force still has physical sensations attached to it.

And the best part of the saying is the last wish for the reader, what my wife saw in the words that she felt strongly that I would wish to read. How it would be to walk gently through the world, among the many changing seasons and life stages, knowing the joy surrounding you.

Help me to recognize and celebrate them, away from the constant shadows.

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