Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Leave Me Alone!

"Speak the truth, but leave immediately after." ~Slovenian Proverb

I am beginning to suffer frustration at the hands of this blog. I start out with an idea and it seems like it may be a positive effort but then it always ends up coated with mud and slime. Angst seems to be taking over my typing fingers, independent of where I want to go. Subconscious directions are leading me around like I have a ring in my nose. I want to gore something but that damn ring keeps getting yanked and I end up on the other side of the barn. Mad and hurt at the same time.

Maybe it is election season doing this to me.

Every direction I turn there is someone out there—on billboards, radio, TV and lawn signs—telling me about why they should be trusted with my vote. And this year it seems to mostly want to save me money on taxes, healthcare and other “essential” services that our government provides. Actually these services are funded by me as a taxpayer. Then I look at the ones already in office--the ones that are shaking my hand with one hand and have their other hand inside my wallet—and I realize how foolish it is to trust any of them. Have any of these Yo-Yo’s balanced a checkbook? Worked at a real job at some point in their life?

See, my typing fingers are doing it again.

I try to think happy thoughts. Take baby steps. Breathe.


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