Monday, August 17, 2009


More than any other substance, water, seems to encompass and expose the secrets and the revelations of the cosmos. It flows through our bodies and surrounds us in the air. When it rains, it cleanses all that it touches, grabbing and carrying away dust, pollen and grime. It touches, bonds and dashes it down to the earth, which it waters. It can exist in the planes of liquid, vapor and solid.

Water cools us and warms us. We drink it and soak in it and let it wash over us. Without it our cells would dry up and cease to function and we would die.

It sparkles with the sunlight on its liquid horizon and its transparent beauty draws our gaze below its surfaces. What mysteries lie below? Moonlight can turn it into a blanket of energy that moves the heart to love and loving thoughts.

Water is a dangerous Naiad; its essence fascinates us and lures us by its beauty. We take to seas and it may turn angry and struggle to kill us. Its fluid mechanics can be a physical force and drag us below its surface. Too much water in the lungs and we drown. We must be careful to not anger or challenge Poseidon.

“…Jesus went out to them, walking on the lake. When the disciples saw him walking on the lake, they were terrified.” What terrified them? My thought is it was the true mysterious power of water was being revealed to them. These fishermen, who knew the dangers and blessings of the seas, witnessed the miracle of God’s transformation of water from fluid to solid. Maybe that was the transformation that man makes to finally obtain and believe…to have faith.

I walk on the water these days with my kayak. I haven’t strong enough faith to step on the surface with my feet.

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